IFPA A-NZ are pleased to announce the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will now be held on Wednesday 13th December 2023 by virtual attendance. Please note the new later date.
The AGM will now be held as a virtual AGM commencing at 10am.
If you would like to attend the AGM please register on the link below.
If you cannot attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) yourself and wish to appoint a proxy to represent you, kindly complete the proxy form. Ensure that the form is submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
At this years AGM, we are not taking nominations for new board members but are asking for your directions on re-appointing board members filled due to casual vacancy throughout the year.
Thanks and I look forward to seeing you remotely at the virtual AGM.
For further information please contact me at bhoodless@freshproduce.com or +61 408 114 971.
Warm regards,
Ben Hoodless
Please join us for the ‘IFPA A-NZ Annual General Meeting 2023’ via zoom
Wednesday 13 December 2023
10 AM - 10.30 AM
IFPA Members only

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