Brand Guidelines

Logo Usage and Color Palette


These brand guidelines give you the tools you need to represent the International Fresh Produce Association appropriately in your efforts, regardless of the platform. We aim to be playful and authentic by including human touches that show a hands-on approach. Our expression system includes bold design elements that support IFPA's clear intent on taking action in the industry.

Logo Usage

Logo Family

The International Fresh Produce Association has a family of logomarks. These logomarks are a visual presentation of our character as an association: ready to act, take charge and lead.

This mark brings to life our clear sense of self: human, connected, progressive and brave. This collection allows flexibility while maintaining a consistent, modern, visual presentation of the brand.


The Primary Logomark emphasizes “Fresh Produce” to create a strong, recognizable wordmark.

Primary Logomark

The Primary Logomark emphasizes “Fresh Produce” to create a strong, recognizable wordmark.

The cornerstone of our brand mark is the seed. The seed is the foundation from which all living things grow and thrive. Like the seed, we breathe new life and give meaning to the brilliance and energy of the produce industry. This icon lives locked up with the logomark and is our most proprietary brand asset.

The preferred approach is to use the Primary Logomark when optimal space is available.


IFPA logo for alternate logomark


Alternate Logomark

The Alternate Logomark allows for optimal size and prominence when only vertical space is available.


IFPA Seed Icon logomark

Seed Icon

The Seed Icon lives locked up with the logomark but is also extractable and can be used on its own as a shorthand for the brand.


IFPA Proud Member Logo


Proud Member Logo

The IFPA Proud Member Logo gives member companies an opportunity to display their pride in their IFPA Membership. This logo can be used on your company website, printed or digital collateral and/or email signatures.

All uses of this logo must adhere to the same rules as the general IFPA logo above.

Primary Logo

Full Color

The Primary Logomark emphasizes “Fresh Produce” to create a strong, recognizable wordmark.

The full-color Primary Logo should always live on a white background. This ensures the legibility of all parts of the logomark.

The full-color Primary Logo is made of 5 colors:
PMS 4287 C, PMS 1345 C, PMS 138 C, PMS 2254 C, PMS 7720 C

4287 C
1345 C
2011 C
2254 C
7720 C


IFPA primary logo clear space example

Clear Space

To ensure proper legibility and brand presence, clear space should always be formed on all 4 sides of the Primary Logo using the ‘O’ of the wordmark at scale.

IFPA logo minimal sizing example

Minimum Size

Logo should never be scaled smaller than 2 inches in width to ensure legibility.

All elements of the logo should be included when scaling.

One Color

The one-color Primary Logo should always be white and live on PMS 556. This ensures legibility of the logomark and contrast between the letterforms and the background.

An alternative one-color version of the logo is available in black on a white background.


IFPA logo one color example

Alternate Logo

When horizontal space is limited, the alternative, stacked logo should be used. This logo will ensure proper legibility and brand presence on more vertical touchpoints. 

The alternative logo follows the same color and clear space guidelines as the primary logo.

Alternate IFPA vertical logo


Alternate vertical IFPA logos


Alternate IFPA logo minimum sizing example

Minimum Size

Logo should never be scaled smaller than 2.2 inches in width to ensure legibility.

All elements of the logo should be included when scaling.

Seed Icon

The seed icon is our most recognizable brand asset. It has multiple uses within our logo lockup family but is also the foundation of our graphic look and feel.

Our seed shape is used to create graphic patterns, a branded photography holding  shape and can be used as a single color sign off on product photos.

Full Color

The Seed Icon is created from 4 colors:
PMS 1345 C, PMS 138 C, PMS 2254 C, PMS 7720 C.

1345 C
2011 C
2254 C
7720 C
IFPA seed logo clear space example

Clear Space

To ensure proper legibility and brand presence, clear space should always be formed on all 4 sides of the Seed Icon using the seed of the icon at scale.

IFPA Seed logo minimum size example

Minimum Size

Icon should never be scaled smaller than a .25 inch in width to ensure legibility.

All elements of the logo should be included when scaling.

IFPA Seed on approved backgrounds

Approved Backgrounds

The full-color Seed Icon should always live on a white or PMS 556 background.

One-color white Seed Icon should always live on a product photo in the bottom right-hand corner.

Primary Logo Misuse

Logo misuse example of individual scaling

Don't Scale individual elements separately.

Logo misuse example: orientation

Don't change the orientation of any element.

Logo misuse example: color change

Don't change the color of any individual element.

Logo misuse example: drop shadow

Don't apply drop shadows or effects.

Logo misuse example: over photography

Don't place over photography.

Logo misuse example: wrong back color

Don't apply one-color logo to any background other than PMS 556.



Brand Icon Misuse

Seed misuse example: scaling

Don't scale individual elements separately.

Seed misuse example: orientation

Don't change the orientation of any element.

Seed misuse example: drop shadow

Don't apply drop shadows or effects.

misuse seed 4 of 6.png

Don't use full-color icon on photography.

Seed misuse example: enlarging icon

Don't enlarge or crop icon over photography.

Icon must live in bottom right-hand corner to not obstruct image.

Seed misuse example: background color

Don't apply one-color icon to any background other than PMS 556.

Color Palette

Our color palette captures the duality of our brand character: Natural vibrancy combined with credibility and strength.

The color balance pie chart illustrates the correct balance of the primary and secondary
palettes. The primary palette should be used most often on graphic touchpoints heavily relying on white as a background color to create a clean modern layout.

CMYK: 0 0 0 0
RGB: 255 255 255

PMS 2011 C
CMYK:7 42 89 0
RGB: 232 157 59

PMS 2254 C
CMYK: 31 0 34 0
RGB: 173 224 188

PMS 1345 C
CMYK: 0 13 50 0
RGB: 252 209 146

PMS 2455 C
CMYK: 45 11 37 0
RGB: 143 189 171

PMS 4287C
CMYK: 66 62 55 54
RGB: 67 64 67
HEX: 434043

PMS 7720 C
CMYK: 95 6 50 46
RGB: 0 99 95
HEX: 00635F

Pie chart showing percentage of color use for for IFPA color palette.