Important Notice: Beware of unauthorized companies targeting exhibitors with expensive, non-cancelable contracts. They may falsely claim affiliation with IFPA. Verify vendors using the list below and read our blog on scam prevention. We don't sell our attendee list (exhibitors access it for free), and there is no printed directory/guide.
Vendors for Global Produce & Floral Show: The following vendors are contracted by the convention center or IFPA. Utilities, material handling and catering are restricted to the companies below; however, exhibitors can use 3rd party contractors (EACs) if preferred. Learn about the EAC process to ensure proper access credentials for support staff.
Order forms, links and contact details will be available in early June.
Global Experience Specialists (GES)
(Electricity, Plumbing/Air, Hanging Signs, Rigging, Carpet, Cleaning, Furniture, Booth Installation & Dismantle, Labor, Material Handling, Non-Perishable Shipping, Storage)
Aramark Sports and Entertainment
DTA Security Services, LLC
Anaheim Fire and Rescue
Multi-level booths, Heat producing devices, etc.
+1 (714) 765-4040
Coming Soon
Rainprotection Insurance
Upload Certificate Here (required)
+1 (800) 528-7975
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Bartender and Alcohol ordered from Aramark

Kyle McMillan
Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

Nancy Pickersgill
Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association